This is not a rant against Driver-CPC it because I kind of agree with the principle. Everyone nowadays has some form of regular professional training and I don't think drivers should be excluded.
I will though state right from the off that I think it’s been
badly sold to the industry and drivers,
badly managed by the DVSA overseeing the whole process (formally JAUPT), and
poorly delivered by some of my fellow instructors or providers.
When you consider that some of the content that it’s meant to cover, and the potential ramifications for drivers, transport managers, and operators if the proverbial sticky stuff hits the fan, as it does on occasion, then I think it’s been very badly sold.
And I think the delivery of the training makes a big difference too. COVID has kind of put the kibosh on classroom Driver-CPC and I think that’s a great loss.
As once stated by that well-loved raconteur, Darth Vader:
“Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed…”
…and I kinda feel the same way about Zoom, though to be fair to Mr D Vader, he did go on further to say:
… “The ability to destroy a planet, or even a whole system, is insignificant next to the power of the Force.”
…which for a Driver-CPC course is admittedly, a little overkill, and certainly not approved by the DVSA. 😁
But my point here is that whilst Zoom does deliver on the need, I feel it fails on the quality.
Yes, it’s cheaper.
Yes it’s a little more efficient though the struggles that some drivers have with technology you feel that tearing skin off might prove to be cathartic, and
Yes, the commute is easier.
But it also misses something in translation. That face to face interaction. That personal touch. That ability to use nuance and language that’s hard to replicate over fibre-optic cable.
The banter, the craic!
Because when the banter flows and the guys are laughing then it makes the 7 hours go by so much smoother. And, hopefully, they’ll even take something away with them at the end.
And that’s the art of good training!
Next Episode: Car to Artic