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Transport Manager Refresher verses Operator Awareness Training

It's a Saturday morning and it's too early for a beer, apparently!
Beer on a Saturday Morning

So, I’m writing a blog. This, allegedly, is one of the joys of business ownership, of which one of the many tasks you assign yourself in a fledgling business such as ours, is to try and find “new and exciting ways” of convincing prospective customers to part with their hard earned cash.

And as any good geek in the IT department will tell you, this is achieved with website hits. And so, to serve the mighty algorithm that is the Google Search Engine and SEO (whatever the hell that might be), I find myself on a warm and sunny Saturday morning sitting in front of the keyboard trying to find amusing ways of blogging about Training.

And apparently, it’s too early for a beer. Joys! 🤦‍♂️

I asked clients what a good opening subject for a blog about training would be, only to be met with a stoney silence. Don’t get me wrong, we are great at what we do, people love what we do. We go out of our way to provide the best training we can.

But training in our industry is seen either as a regulatory evil, or an opportunity for a better trained workforce. I’d love to think we all err towards the latter but in times where cashflow is paramount, many I suspect will err towards the former.

Either way, it still doesn’t make for a great topic for a blog!

So, biting the bullet and kicking off this blog, I thought I’d highlight the difference between “Operator Awareness” (OLAT) and “Transport Manager Refresher” (TMR) as we regularly have to identify the difference with clients.

And being an avid fan of the KISS acronym…

  • TMR is a two-day refresher for every Transport Manager who’s signed a TM1,

  • OLAT is a one-day reminder of the obligations undertaken when signing off on the GV79.

Proof of both being done is usually required by the Traffic Commissioner or the DVSA:

  • every 5 years, or

  • when applying for a new licence, or

  • when making major change requests to an existing licence, or

  • when issues have been raised as a result of an audit, and advisably

  • before trotting off the see the Commissioner where tea and biscuits will not be available.

I hope that’s clear!

Now I’m off for that beer!

Next Episode: The joys of Periodic Driver-CPC!

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