I read somewhere on the internet that being a dog owner is good for the heart, reduces stress, and makes their owners feel happier.

It was just one of those amusing little articles that pop up in your social media feed from time to time that someone on a Friends List liked, a “Top 10 Science Based Facts” kind of article with an accompanying 3 minute YouTube clip loaded with ads, and a mass of Bait-Click rubbish at the end.
And the wife and I own a dog. Sherlock Bones is his name. She named him, not I.
He’s a rescue. The wife is threatening to get a second, and call him “Dogtor Watson” whereas I want to call him “Hurcule Perro” 😁
And I use the word “dog”, but that might be stretching a point because there are times when I’m convinced we actually own a 40 kilo, 4 legged “fur child” that malts a dog’s sized ball of hair every day, consumes his own body weight in various meat based products, and “derps” like and eejit.
He’s Rottweiler coloured, so naturally chooses to lie in the sun for hours at a time.
Malts like nothing I’ve ever seen leaving tuffs of fine undercoat hair that gets absolutely everywhere.
“Greets” everyone who wanders past on the other side of the gates with enthusiasm setting off the other dogs in the neighbourhood.
You can set your watch-time to his stomach.
And occasionally pops in on remote training sessions to say “Hello” and demand attention from myself or the guys on the other end of the connection.
It makes for a great ice-breaker and others on the course reciprocate and introduce their dogs to the class. We’ve had all sorts join us, some even more enthusiastically that mine. Tiny dogs to big dogs, hairy ones to almost bald ones. Ones that bark. Ones that drool on the keyboard.
Love them all.
So, if you come to join us on one of course, which naturally I strongly recommend you do, then you may well get to meet our Barkministrator. If you’ve dogs yourself, then let them pop in to say Hello in return.
Anyway, it’s now 08:30 and guess who’s nudging my arm reminding me it’s time for a wander as he wants to go and check his overnight “wee-mail” patches dotted around the neighbourhood?